In case you face any problem during the registration process, please contact the DLI support team at the following email address:
In case you face any problem during the registration process, please contact the DLI support team at the following email address:
In case you face any problem during the registration process, please contact the DLI support team at the following email address:
As a registered user, you can login to the platform by entering your username/email and password.
As a student or teacher, the system generated a username and password for you at the end of the registration process. You were asked to download these credentials as PDF for later login to the platform.
As a registered student or teacher, who lost his/her password and doesn’t have a linked social account, you can still login to the platform via security questions.
As a student or teacher, you were asked to answer three security questions and keep the answers in a safe place for later login, in case you lost your password. This is where you can use your answers.
As a student or teacher, who has linked his/her registered account to one of his Google, Facebook or Microsoft social accounts, you can choose to login via your social account.
Moreover, as any other user, who registered using one of his Google, Facebook or Microsoft social accounts, you can choose to login via your social account.
As a registered student or teacher, who lost his/her username or email, you can still login by answering one of three security questions at random.
In case you are not able to login via any of the above methods, you can send an email to the DLI support team at this email address:
You can reach the Digital Library page by taking the following steps:
The Digital Library page will open in a new tab. Once you are in the page, you have two options:
The mapped resources are interactive digital lessons and resources related to specific topics, as part of the different chapters of the Lebanese curriculum subjects. You can get to any of the desired resources by taking the following steps:
Alternatively, you can search for a specific topic across all subjects within a grade, by selecting "All" as subject. Similarly, you can search for a specific topic related to a specific subject across all grades, by selecting "All" as grade. You can also search for a specific topic across all grades and subjects by selecting "All" for grade and subject.
In the chapters drop down menu, you will find all chapters in English, and some of the chapters in French. Only chapters with existing digital resources are shown.
Available content is provided by several International and local publishers, such as:
Learnetic content will open in mCourserlb Learning Management System, and thus learners' activities can be easily tracked.
Tabshoura content, available in English and French for grades 6-9 and Kindergarten, is also hosted on a Moodle LMS, which can provide learners' tracking as well.
More content will be mapped to the Lebanese curriculum on a continuous basis.
In addition to the thousands of resources mapped to the Lebanese curriculum, the Digital Library provides users with access to a number of libraries from International Partners, where DLI user shall have automatic login into those libraries based on his login credentials on DLI.
Such connected libraries include content from different providers, such as:
In addition, the Digital Library provides links to a number of leading similar initiatives, such as
Another important way of learning is for teachers to create specific assignments, periodically, for individual students, groups of students, classes in one school, or even students of the same grade countrywide.
We have selected one of the best Assignment-oriented Learning Management Systems, mCourser, and arranged for a special version dedicated to the Lebanese students and teachers.
Teachers can select from more than 1200 interactive lessons in maths and science across all grades, providing students with individualized learning experience, which is completely tracked and corrected by the system.
Teachers can track students' performance and activities in real-time. They have the option to invite students and create groups and classes. Therefore, they can decide to provide different assignments to different groups, allowing for the implementation of modern personalized and individualized learning approaches.
Moreover, the digital interactive self-explanatory lessons allow teachers to apply the flipped classroom model, especially when this mode of learning is integrated with other modes such as the virtual classroom.
Teachers and students can access their assignments page on the mCourser LMS by taking the following steps:
Students receive notifications by email about new assignments, which they usually have to finish within a certain due date. They can then work on each of the existing assignments, where all of their activities and performance are tracked by the LMS.
On their Assignments page, students will see any assignments given to them by any of their teachers. They can access any assignment and view its status and stats. They can enter the assigned lesson, complete it, and once they are comfortable with the overall achievement, submit it to the teacher before the due date.
Some assignments are defined by the teacher to have single access, i.e., students should complete and submit them in one go. Other assignments are defined to be revisited by students many times for fine tuning before submitting them.
When creating an assignment, the teacher can choose to allow students to add comments or essay to the assignment, and to upload some extra files as part of the submission.
Students can communicate by email or chat with their peers and teachers anytime from within the LMS.
Some video tutorials are posted separately on this page, under the "Video Tutorials" section, to show teachers how to create and manage an Assignment.
Teachers can create assignments from existing pre-designed interactive lessons available on the LMS (more than 1,200 interactive STEM lessons), or they can design and develop their own assignments using a powerful and easy to use authoring tool, mInstructor, which can be used to produce lessons, assessments, quizzes, etc.
Utilizing mInstructor is as simple and intuitive as using PowerPoint or Slides and requires no prior coding or programming knowledge. Demo videos shall illustrate for teachers how to produce their own content by using mInstructor, and how it is seamlessly integrated into the DLI environment.
Teachers can as well track the performance of their students for a specific assignment in real time, even before the Assignment is officially submitted by the student. Moreover, if an Assignment is given to a group of learners or a class, the system shows the average performance of the group/class, with the option for teachers to drill down to any individual student tracking data.
Students are provided with updated schedules of TV Sessions grids, in order to plan what and when to watch, based on their needs and logistics.
Links to the recorded sessions hosted on YouTube are also provided for each available Grade. Students or parents, who missed a certain session, can watch it again at a later time.
In order to access the recorded sessions page, you need to take the following steps:
Students and teachers can access Virtual Classes (on Microsoft Teams), by using the Email and Password provided to them by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) through their schools administration. Those credentials are required to login into the Microsoft Office 365 Suite, which includes Microsoft Teams among other applications.
Through Microsoft Teams application, teachers can send invitations for various types of virtual classes, share documents related to these classes, and invite the appropriate students to attend. In addition, the Microsoft Office 365 Suite contains various tools and applications, which are made available to all students and teachers in Lebanese schools.
To reach the Microsoft Teams application from within the platform, you need to take the following steps:
When a student or teacher registers at the Digital Library Initiative platform, a new google account is automatically created for him on CERD's G Suite domain, which provides students and teachers with a myriad of powerful tools for enhancing collaboration and productivity. Such tools include:
Students from anywhere can use these tools to work collaboratively and simultaneously on any essay or assignment or document, and to communicate effectively in groups or one to one with their teachers.
Teachers can also utilise Google Classroom to create an asynchronous learning environment, which complements:
In addition, teachers in the Virtual Class can use interactive digital lessons and resources from the Digital Library, or other Open Educational Resources curated and shared by other teachers, in order to enhance the learning experience.
Administrators, teachers, students and parents have access to a complete guide with links to video tutorials, templates, checklists, and other guiding documents that support the setting-up of synchronous and asynchronous online teaching and learning using the above-mentioned tools. The guide is designed for self-learning and incorporates all needed resources for that purpose.
In order to access G Suite from within the platform, you need to take the following steps:
Register as Student
Register as Teacher
Register as Others
Create Assignments
Create Assignment Via Digital Library
Track Your Students